SAFord — Technical Writer

Academia, Technology, and Video Games

A writer's portfolio.

01/30/2014 - PechaKucha

Gregory Ulmer believes that we create Memorials for the the ideal, societal constructs of society that represent the transcendental, and encourages the creation of MEmorials to explore the juxtaposition created through the abject.  In this video, I use a PechaKucha format (20 Images x 20 Seconds) to explore the misrepresentation of gaming culture in society.

It's worth nothing that most of these images are not of my own design and that all of the rights to them belong to their respective owner(s).  With that being said, I tried to pick the most appropriate images to use that represented the more conventional Pechakucha presentations I viewed. While, looking back, a few of them miss the mark for me in terms of visual consistency, I'm still generally pleased with the overall result. 


01/22/2014 — More Illustrator Boredom


01/15/2014 — A Haiku of Flat "Love" Balloons

We were asked to create a wordless haiku, something that captures the flash, or a brief event of feelings and emotions, through a singular, wordless representation — in the same way that the traditional poem captures the kairotic in 17 syllables.  In addition, we were asked to pick something that captures the acute/obtuseness of words, as defined by Ulmer — words that have generic "obtuse" definitions, but will conjure up different feelings for various people (an acute definition) — and employ divergent thinking to create something that values brevity and aesthetic design.  I (sort of) cheated by making something that combines four letters to make a word.  However, in defense of my choice: what word is more varied in definition, from person-to-person, than LOVE is?  Love is the best thing in the world to some while, to others, love is heartbreak; something that was lost long ago.  As such, I didn't want people to misconstrue the heart-shaped balloons as just hearts, but instead as what they actually were intended to represent: LOVE.  This image was created using Illustrator and, in the spirit of brevity, took about 20 minutes.
